New Degree Name: Construction Science and Management

Students wearing safety vests and construction helmets on an active construction site.


The School of Building Construction has changed the name of its undergraduate degree from the Bachelor of Science in Building Construction to the Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management (BSCSM). The change was reflected in the Georgia Tech catalog this past May.

The name change better describes curriculum content, the scientific aspects of course offerings, current faculty research, and modern industry standards. This new degree name more accurately reflects the career paths the students in the School will take, and it will empower them to lead in a dynamic industry.

Construction Management is also the most commonly used name for similar degrees at peer institutions across the country. Out of the 75 American Council for Construction Education (ACCE) accredited programs, 68 of them (91%) include the expression Construction Management in the degree name. The School welcomes incoming students as BSCSM majors in the Fall 2024 semester. 

Media Inquiries

Ann Hoevel
Director of Communications
College of Design
E-mail Ann Hoevel
+1 404-385-0693