Pre-College BC

BC Pre-College Program

BC Pre-College Program

The Pre-College Building Construction Summer program consists of two-week in-person workshops hosted by the College of Design at the Georgia Institute of Technology. This program provides the opportunity to engage with world-class faculty and current students, and give high-school (rising juniors and rising seniors) students meaningful insight into what it is like to study Building Construction at Georgia Tech.

Designed for Insights

This program demonstrates that careers in the construction industry go beyond muddy construction sites. There are many career paths possible with a degree in Construction that leverage emerging technologies, project management skills, and provide employment opportunities beyond the field.

For two action-packed weeks, we offer hands-on building activities, construction site visits (in person and through immersive virtual-reality), meetings with industry leaders, and tons of practice with drones, laser scanners, 3D printing, Augmented/Virtual Reality, and robots! Learn how to use REVIT and other computer software to model a building and take home a 3D print of your own design-build project’s miniature replica as a souvenir.

Jing Wen

Summer 2024 Instructor

Jing Wen

Jing Wen is an assistant professor in the School of Building Construction, at Georgia Tech. She received her Ph.D. in M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management, at the University of Florida.

Her research interest focuses on investigating the implications of human-technology interactions within the construction management domain.  Specifically, she is interested in exploring the applications of emerging technologies to promote inclusion and diversity in construction and shape the future of construction education and work.

Experience a Pre-College Story in 3D

A student from the Building Construction Pre-College Program created this 3D video that shows viewers a personal experience of Georgia Tech and the School of Building Construction.

Summer 2023 BC Summer Program Tentative Activities

ActivityDescriptionType of Activity
Introduction to ConstructionOverview of construction and career pathsLecture
Masonry 101Main terminology about masonry wallsLecture
BIM and Project Delivery MethodsOverview of BIM and project delivery methodsLecture
4D BIM on Masonry WallCreation of High LOD BIM model of a masonry wall followed with scheduling, estimating, and AR QCLecture and Hands-on
Meet with Professional MasonsGC- Subcontractor Coordination Experience- Learn the masonry trade-related subcontractor concernsHands-on
Masonry Wall ConstructionBuild the masonry wall with professional masonsHands-on
Masonry Wall AR ComparisonConstruction QC: compare built versus modeled wallsHands-on/XR
InfraRed ScanInfraRed thermographic scan of the built wallHands-on
Presentation 1Presentation of the activities and learnings of the weekPresentation
Site VisitsVisit to two construction sitesHands-on
Virtual Site VisitVisit to another construction site in VRHands-on/XR
Visit to a GC OfficeExposure to the construction industryVisit
Industry Presentations and MixerMeet members of the construction industry and learn about their career pathsInteractive
Introduction to DronesOverview of the use of drones in constructionLecture
Drone Simulator ActivityDrone simulatorHands-on/XR
Drones ActivityDrone demonstration and fly dronesHands-on
Laser Scanning 101Laser scanning overview and trainingLecture
Laser Scan ActivityUse a laser scan to scan Caddell BuildingHands-on
Laser Scanning Digital PrototypeDigital demonstrator to learn laser scanningLecture/Hands-on
Introduction to 3D PrintingOverview and introduction to 3D printed buildingsLecture
Sketchup ActivityCreate your 3D printable NASA base on MarsHands-on
Maker Space TourVisit to view additive manufacturing/3D printing labVisit
Masonry Wall Toggle ARToggle on/off the elements of a cavity wall model using ARHands-on/XR
Construction RoboticsAstro: Construction robot dog demonstrationHands-on
Final PresentationsPresentation Topic: My experience at the GT BC CampPresentation

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