A digital skyline surrounded by data.

Cyber-Physical Research: Digital Twin and IoT Integration

Cyber-Physical Research: Digital Twin and IoT Integration

The Smart Bees are inspired by the futuristic possibilities of the built environment in which the boundary between the cyber and physical world further blurs to create a more user-conscious, intelligent, autonomous, and overall sustainable built environment.

  1. Pishdad-Bozorgi, P., Shelden, D., Gao, X. (2020). Chapter 2: Introduction to Cyber-Physical Systems in the Built Environment. Published in the Book, entitled “Construction 4.0:  An Innovation Platform for the Built Environment”, Edited by Sawhney, A., Riley, M., and Irizarry, J., Taylor and Francis.
  2. Gao, X., Pishdad-Bozorgi, P., Shelden, D., Tang, S. (2020). An Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled Data Acquisition Framework for the Smart Built Environment. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. Vol. 147, Issue. 2. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001983
  3. Tang S, Shelden DR, Eastman CM, Pishdad-Bozorgi P, Gao X. (2020). BIM assisted Building Automation System information exchange using BACnet and IFC. Automation in Construction, 110, 103049. doi:10.1016/j.autcon.2019.103049
  4. Tang, S., Shelden, D., Eastman, C., Pishdad-Bozorgi, P., Gao, X. (2019). A review of building information modeling (BIM) and the internet of things (IoT) devices integration: Present status and future trends. Journal of Automation in Construction, Vol. 101, pp. 127–139. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2019.01.020

Smart Built Environment Eco-System (Smart Bees) Lab

The Smart Bees Lab at Georgia Tech carries out research at the nexus of the cyber, physical, and behavioral systems to sustainably create and operate a smart built-environment.

Life-cycle BIM model.

Life-cycle BIM Automation & Data Analytics

Cyber-Physical Research

A handshake made from data.

Blockchain-enabled Trust Systems

Cyber-Physical-Behavioral Research

A city skyline superimposed against construction managers against an overlay of data.

Trust and Innovative Delivery Systems

Behavioral-Physical Research

A hive diagram in front of the Atlanta skyline at night.

Learn more about the Smart Bees Lab

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