BIM automation models.

Cyber-Physical Research:
Life-cycle BIM Automation & Data Analytics

Cyber-Physical Research:
Life-cycle BIM Automation & Data Analytics

The smart Bees aim to facilitate the life-cycle implementation of BIM by enhancing its interoperability and automation. Their research has primarily focused on BIM-enabled Facilities Management as well as BIM- & IoT-enabled Facilities Life-Cycle Cost analysis and prediction.

  1. Pishdad-Bozorgi, P., Gao, X., Eastman, C., and Self, P. (2018). Planning and developing facility management-enabled building information model (FM-enabled BIM). Journal of Automation in Construction, Vol. 87, pp. 22-38.
  2. Gao, X., Pishdad-Bozorgi, P. (2019). A Framework of Developing Machine Learning Models for Facility Life-cycle Cost Analysis. Journal of Building Research and Information. Vol. 48, Issue 5.
  3. Gao, X., and Pishdad-Bozorgi, P. (2019). BIM-enabled Facilities Operation and Maintenance: A Review. Journal of Advanced Engineering Informatics, Vol. 39, pp. 227-247.
  4. Pishdad-Bozorgi, P. (2017). Future Smart Facilities: State-of-the-Art BIM-Enabled Facility Management. ASCE, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. Vol. 143, Issue 9.

Smart Built Environment Eco-System (Smart Bees) Lab

The Smart Bees Lab at Georgia Tech carries out research at the nexus of the cyber, physical, and behavioral systems to sustainably create and operate a smart built-environment.

A virtual skyline against a sky of data.

Digital Twin and IoT Integration

Cyber-Physical Research

A handshake made from data.

Blockchain-enabled Trust Systems

Cyber-Physical-Behavioral Research

A city skyline superimposed against construction managers against an overlay of data.

Trust and Innovative Delivery Systems

Behavioral-Physical Research

A hive diagram in front of the Atlanta skyline at night.

Learn more about the Smart Bees Lab

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